What's New Today...

Updated Stock List...

The Kingsford Challenges...

An Apology... But more progress too...

A New Shunter!

Kingsford gains FOURTH platform!

GWR Pannier Tank declared unfit for service...

A Dip In The Archives...And a few new pics!

2 New Features...

New loco arrives!...

66200 Finally goes...

And more, only on The Crystal Bay And Kingsford Railway Online

Monday, 28 May 2007


Hi all,

This is just an update on pretty much everything, due to the absence in posts, and it is bought to you from the Apple shop in New York City, USA.

Operation TOWSTA is complete, and the trains are up and running - with normal service resumed - well, sort of - works have overrun beyind Kingsford, and therefore a trains terminate there - Kingsford-Crystal By and Forbes - Togton are the services.

Also, there is a Diesel Day scheduled for next Sunday, and we hope t have all our diesels in operation for this.

All The Best,


Saturday, 5 May 2007

Operation T.O.W.S.T.A

I can now exclusively reveal details of the new operation TOWSTA, which will see the railway move to more permanant surroundings.

Watch this page for more details, and for exclusive insight as to what might be to come,visit this page.